Friday, January 18, 2008

Orange you glad I didn't say banana

So not much to talk about today. Had the day off from work, and took that time to have a couple of doctors appointments. Got my eyes checked, and as much as I like the doctor as a person, I hate going to the eye doctor. Even now typing about it, my eyes are getting sensitive. But somehow I did not get any more blind over the past 2 years, amazing. I also went to the regular doc blah blah blah.

The only thing I got on my mind these days (at least that I'm willing to write about right now) is moving. With Bryan going to NC for a couple of months sometime in February, we may be selling the house sooner than expected, and I'm excited about that.

I've also been watching a bunch of Wizards games lately, and how bout those 2 wins over Boston? This team is going to be a force for a few years to come. They may not make huge waves this year, but they have a chance to at least get to the second round, depending on match ups. But the young talent they have growing right now, coupled with the vets just getting into their prime gives me good hope for the future of this team. So in a couple of years, we will have a dominate football team (with JC at the helm) and a dominant basketball team (with Agent Zero and Tough Juice leading the way)


Anonymous said...

Where are you moving to?

kg said...

Not to far from where I am now, hopefully to the Arlington/Alexandria area, closer to my job.