Thursday, December 27, 2007

Top 5 movies I wish I'd seen in 2007

I was going to continue my "Tops" list with the top movies of 2007, but I realized that I didn't really see many movies this year, at least nothing worth putting in a tops list. So I've decided to list the movies I wish I had seen, and in some particular order they go:

#5 Hot Fuzz: This is the next movies by the guys who did Shaun of the Dead, which was hilarious.

#4 No Country for Old Men: I have heard only great things about this movie from friends, and I still have a chance, but I'll probably wait for it to come on HBO. I've liked pretty much every Cohen Brothers film I've seen, so good times.

#3 Gone Baby Gone: Also heard good things about this one. And even though it was directed by Ben Ass-fleck, at least he's not in it (or maybe he is, but he's not staring in it) I've always preferred his brother Casey anyway.

#2 The Darjeeling Limited: The next Wes Anderson film, with the typical cast of at least one Wilson brother, and Jason Schwartzman. If you haven't see The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissu, then NetFlix it (or whatever the term is now for renting).

#1 Grindhouse: I am actually very disappointed with myself for not seeing this one. I am a big Tarantino fan, and I love the concept of the two movies. Plus I head the fake trailers between the two movies were great. If you see me before the end of the year, make sarcastic comments about my intelligence, yell at me (hot women can spank me) and shake your head disapprovingly at me for not seeing this movie. Bad Kevin.

Till tomorrow yall.

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