I stumbeled on My Morning Jacket a couple of years ago right after they released their breakout hit Z, and it's been great going through their old stuff. If you haven't listened to them and you are a fan of kick-ass rock, I highly reccommend checking them out. I heard two tracks from Evil Urges on NPR, (Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Part 2, and Evil Urges,) and I was blown away. They were risk-taking, forward thinking, well written and produced, and it got me excited for the full album. But when I got the full album, I was a little let down. Not that is was bad, but it just didn't live up to the level of those two songs. As I listened a couple of times, I warmed up to it more and more, and it turned into a really nice album. There were a couple of songs that I thought were a little off, but with a few listens I started hearing the little things, and understanding the construction of the songs, and it has grown on me. Overall I give the album a solid 8, it is definitely something you should check out.

The other album I was really looking forward to was At Mount Zoomer by Wolf Parade. I liked this one from the very start. Start to finish this is a fun album that I love to listening to whenever I can. They are from Montreal, a music hotbed right now, and feature 2 featured singers who take turns between lead and support, but they complement each other very well. Like their first album, Apologies to the Queen Mary, At Mount Zoomer has nice meoldies and solid song writing, but their sophomore effort shows a new maturity and confidence playing together. This is a great album, and I give it a 9. I reccemend everyone check it out, and I can't wait until they come to town.

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